Presidents of the Delaware & Hudson
Philip Hone, 1825-1826
John Bolton, 1826-1831
John Wurtz, 1831-1858
George Talbot Olyphant, 1858-1869
Thomas Dickson, 1869-1884
Robert M. Olyphant, 1884-1903
David Wilcox, 1903-1907
Leonor F. Loree, 1907-1938
Joseph H. Nuelle, 1938-1954
William White, 1954-1967
John P. Hiltz, Jr., 1967
Frederic C. Dumaine, Jr., 1967-1968
Frank Wells McCabe, 1968
John P. Fishwick, 1968-1970
Gregory W. Maxwell, 1970-1972
Carl B. Sterzing, 1972-1977
Selig Altschul, 1977
Charles E. Bertrand, 1977-1978
Kent Shoemaker, 1978-1982
Charles R. McKenna, 1982-1986
Carl Belke, 1988-1991